I 15 Vocaboli Di Base Dell’Employee (prima parte)

State decidendo se trasferirvi all’estero per lavoro o magari avete già cominciato la vostra avventura all’estero? In questo articolo troverete tutti i vocaboli base necessari per un nuovo impiego di lavoro!
Da leggere anche i nostri articoli precedenti:

Il vocabolario di base del Marketing Manager
Il vocabolario di base dell’Accountant

Commute  • Fare il pendolare
e.g. It’s just too far to commute everyday.

Cover Letter • Lettera di presentazione
e.g. What’s the best way to start a cover letter for a job?

Dismiss* • Licenziare
e.g. He was dismissed by the boss of the factory.

Employer • Datore di lavoro
e.g. His employer dismissed him yesterday.

Employee • Impiegato
e.g. He met the gaze of the store employee and lifted his chin.

Employment • Occupazione
e.g. Education and employment policies require particular attention.

Flextime • Orario flessibile
e.g. No need for day care, the parents can work flexitime.

(to) Fire* • Licenziare
e.g. She was fired for refusing to comply with safety regulations.

Interview • Colloquio di lavoro
e.g. I am pleased to advise you that you have been selected for interview.

Lay-off* • Licenziamento
e.g. The company decided to lay off some of our men.

(to) Make (someone) redundant* • Licenziare qualcuno
e.g. Even awesome managers like him have been made redundant, all because of the global financial crisis.

Notice Period • Periodo di preavviso
e.g. He was fired from his job at the University of Leipzig in 2004 without any notice period.

Perk • Vantaggi/Privilegi
e.g. Many agencies are helping to keep personnel at their jobs by providing perks.

Personnel • Personale/Dipendenti
e.g. The personnel comprises about 465 officers, including those of the staff, and 4000 petty officers and men.

Personnel Officer • Responsabile del personale
e.g. Once in every five years this Parliament is the Union’s personnel officer.

*Tutti e quattro posseggono il significato di “licenziare”, anche se dismiss risulta più formale rispetto a “to fire”. Inoltre, layoff viene utilizzato quando la colpa non è imputabile al dipendente, ma per esempio alla situazione finanziaria dell’azienda.