PHRASAL VERBS – Come Usare Bene Il Verbo ‘To Put’
Il verbo inglese ‘to put‘ è un verbo abbastanza complesso che, come tutti i phrasal verbs, acquista un significato diverso a seconda della preposizione o avverbio che lo segue.
Ma torniamo ai fondamentali, perché non bisogna mai darli per scontati. Che cos’è un phrasal verb?
I Phrasal Verb (=verbo di frase) sono verbi composti da un verbo e una o più particelle.
È una particolare costruzione della lingua inglese che prevede l’uso di un verbo seguito da una preposizione o un avverbio. Ricordati che spesso, quasi sempre, il verbo composto assume un significato molto diverso dal verbo singolo.
Guarda questo esempio:
– to look =guardare
– to look for =cercare
Oggi vediamo più nello specifico alcuni degli usi più utili e comuni del verbo to put. Conoscerli ti aiuterà in molte situazioni di vita reale a capire perfettamente ciò che un madrelingua vuole dire. ?
PUT OFF –> to postpone/to delay
We’ll have to put off the meeting until next week when Sarah gets back from vacation because we need her to present her part of the project before we can go on.
PUT THROUGH–> to connect someone on the phone/ to be unkind to someone
Hi, can you put me through to Mrs. Smith, please?
PUT UP WITH–> to tolerate
I really can’t put up with people who are pessimistic about everything; it makes me crazy.
PUT ACROSS –> to communicate/ convey a message
The point that the teacher was trying to put across was that this project may seem simple but it will take a lot of preparation and team work.
PUT DOWN –> to insult someone/ painless killing of an animal
Her boyfriend was terrible, he always put her down when they were out in public and he was very rude so I’m happy that they broke up.
PUT ON–> to get fat/ to wear something
You should put on a heavier jacket because the temperature is supposed to drop tonight.
PUT AWAY–> place an object in its proper location
Children, please put away all of your toys before dinner
PUT BACK–> return an object to the location where it came from
You can take the books but please put them back where you found them when you’re done.
PUT FORTH–> to offer an idea
Can anyone put forth a reasonable solution to the problem? We need to figure something out by tonight.